About Sacred Life Hospice

Sacred Life Hospice provides end-of-life care by a team of health care professionals and volunteers. We provide expert pain management, symptom control, personal care, psychosocial support and spiritual support to patients and families when a cure is not possible. All the necessary medicines and equipment needed to keep a patient comfortable can be brought right to the home, which is where most people would like to be if at all possible. The focus of Sacred Life Hospice relies on the belief that each of us has the right to die as comfortably as possible and with dignity, and that our loved ones will receive the necessary support to allow us to do so. We at Sacred Life Hospice makes this happen.

Things to Know

Sacred Life Hospice provides help and support 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week to the patient and family. Hospice provides pain and symptom comfort care rather than curative treatments. Hospice treats the person, not the disease. Care is provided wherever the patient may be: in their own home, a family member’s home, a nursing home, an assisted living facility, a board and care, and other facilities. We accept Medicare, Medi-Cal, private insurance, and other forms of reimbursement to patients who meet certain criteria. Since we accept Medicare and Medi-Cal as 100{e2edced49b7f4360fe54aad090e835775ea25f4d367bac9b7ce9c41e09e8c59e} coverage for its services, there are no out-of-pocket expenses for patients and/or their families for services related to the terminal diagnosis.

The Hospice Admission Process Involves

  • Referral from your attending physician who makes the recommendation to Hospice.
  • A Terminal condition with a life expectancy of six months or less, if the illness runs its normal course.
  • Agreement to follow the plan of care established and refined by you, your family, the physician, and the SLH team.
  • Agree to palliation (control) of symptoms and not cure of illness.
    Live within the geographic area served by the Sacred Life Hospice.
  • Have a place of residence (home, skilled nursing or residential care facility) which is a safe environment for patient, caregiver, and our staff.
  • Have a realistic plan for the provision of primary caregivers on a 24-hour basis when needed.
  • Hospice is a choice and the patient may leave Hospice care at any time if desired.

It is the mission of Sacred Life Hospice to provide the terminally ill and their loved ones with the support and care they require to live their lives comfortably. Our Hospice team strives to enable the patient and family to maintain dignity and quality of life.

Our goal is to achieve physical, spiritual and emotional comfort. We strive to empower the patient and/or family by providing them with the tools, information and support they need to make decisions.

We provide ongoing support for family and friends for as long as needed.We believe that hospice care should be available to any and all persons with an illness for which there is no cure and a limited life expectancy.

The philosophy of Sacred Life Hospice is to provide the terminally ill patient and their family supportive and loving care, in tranquil surroundings, and the wherewithal to live fully comfortably, for as long as possible. The patient is then permitted to die naturally and with dignity when the time comes.

Hospice care seeks to alleviate emotional and spiritual pain, and to control the accompanying symptoms. While it may be futile to pursue aggressive treatments or surgery, Sacred Life Hospice can provide attention, friendship, care and love. With appropriate intervention, and the utilization of the multitude of resources that are available for palliation and pain control, the last months, weeks and days of an individuals life can have quality, and provide loved ones with lasting memories, of special moments.

We respect the patients right to be furnished with complete and current information regarding his or her medical condition. This includes but is not limited to the prognosis and planned course of palliative treatment as well as any significant risks that may be involved. Each and every patient shall have the right to refuse any and all treatments.

The patient and his/her family can be assured that the physician or the Hospice Director, Social Worker, Pastoral Counselor and Nurse are available to discuss any matter of concern to the patient or family.

Sacred Life Hospice exists to provide support and care to persons and their families who are in the final phase of their lives. Our goal is to enable them to preserve their human dignity and enrich the quality of their life. Support for the family and/or friends continue, after the death of the patient, for as long as necessary.